
5 Health Trends That Should Go Viral in 2023

A new year always brings with it new hope for what’s to come, as evidenced by the very concept of New Year’s resolutions, and “new year, new start” challenges like Veganuary (going vegan for the first month of the year) and Dry January (cutting out alcohol for the month).
Every new year brings its fair share of health trends, too, though not all of them are, in fact, healthy. For all its positive contributions to society, social media is a breeding ground for viral health habits that are harmless at best (see, for example, protein coffee, or “proffee”) and deadly at worst (like the incredibly unsafe “Benadryl Challenge”).
In anticipation of 2023, we asked healthcare providers which health and wellness practices they think deserve to trend in the new year. From diet and exercise to skin care and self-care, here are the 10 healthy habits we hope to see hit it big in the year to come.
1. Try a toner
While toners have been around for years — you might have seen a bottle on your grandma’s dresser — the popular skin care product has received a major upgrade.
2. Embrace ‘exercise snacks’
It can be hard to carve out time for movement, especially if you’re very busy and not used to working out. If you don’t already have a routine in place, it might seem impossible to meet the recommended 150 minutes of exercise per week.
3. Work with a health and wellness coach
Living healthier is a pretty common goal, but getting there can be a struggle. Maybe you just need your own personal health coach to serve as a guide on your wellness journey.
4. Turn to CBT-I techniques for sleep
If you’ve ever experienced a bout of insomnia, you’ve probably (desperately) looked for an easy, quick fix to get you to sleep and to keep you asleep. From over-the-counter sleep aids like melatonin to prescription sleeping pills, medications have likely been your first line of defense.
5. Set healthy boundaries in your relationships
If you’re feeling taken advantage of, disrespected or as if your feelings don’t matter, make 2023 the year you establish healthy boundaries in your relationships, says psychologist Chivonna Childs, PhD.

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